Many organisations in Pembrokeshire offer activities through the medium of Welsh for your child to practice and enjoy using the Welsh language.
Some organisations also provide learning opportunities for families, non-Welsh learners, or those who are unsure when using the language in order to raise their confidence.

Menter Iaith Sir Benfro
Menter Iaith Pembrokeshire aims to promote the Welsh language within the county by organising various activities through the medium of Welsh for children, young people and adults. Keep an eye on their Facebook page for activities.
The Urdd provides a wide range of opportunities for learners and the wider community to take part in various activities to promote a sense of belonging and the Welsh language. The activities vary from the annual Eisteddfod to sporting activities and residential courses.
Mudiad Meithrin
Mudiad Meithrin is a voluntary organisation that specialises in providing Welsh-medium early years education, including nursery groups. Its aim is to give every young child in Wales the opportunity to benefit from early years services and experiences through the medium of Welsh.
There will also be clubs and organisations in your local area that can provide a range of opportunities in Welsh for different age groups. Have a chat with the Language Centre staff who will be able to give you more information about activities your child can enjoy through the medium of Welsh.